I can see all the images on my web site. What's the issue?

So the new images look great on your spanking new website, and you are happy. The issue however, is that everyone needs to see the images and that will depend on factors beyond your control.

If you were following the 3 posts above about Image Optimisation, and have implemented webP images with a fallback jpg/png image, then you need to make sure that the process is working.

You need to ask yourself, are you looking at webP images or jpg/png images? A quick poke under the hood with Safari Development Tools Inspector will tell what image format is being linked to. Alternatively, you may be able to download each image and check each has the extension that you expect. Another way would be to run your web site through Google's PageSpeed Insight tool which will flag up if you are not using webP images.

What should I do first?

If you don't know whether your test system can display webP inages in Safari, then use Chrome, Firefox or Edge which can show webP images. Check them and you will know what is being served to a webP capable browser. At this point we can confirm that webP images are being correctly served to the browser.

Use a system that can't display webP images.

If you have an older system, then when you check the browser images and you see jpg/png images, you have the confirmation that this image is being served correctly.

You have a newish Apple device that displays webP images.

Unfortunately, you will not have a way to detect the correct deilvery with that sparkling new Mac, iPhone or iPad. There may possibly be an extension that can provide this functionality, but I am not aware of such an extension.

One option for you would be to check on an older system that you know can't display webP images. Hang onto those old devices.

WebP testing summary

This is all far from ideal, but should be considered if you decide to serve webP images with a jpg/png fallback.

WebP Image Tester

Check out our webP image test page.