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Forkin Big Blog

Stacks Image 2013331

Create a blog using RapidWeaver by editing the blog page inside RW and publishing. If you don't need remote post editing, i.e. by logging in via a browser or App, then this can be a great way to maintain a blog. No setup is needed, no passwords to remember, no admin page to build, no database to setup, no high cost, no ongoing subscription.

Forkin Fox new product

To creat a new blog post, you just duplicate the top Post Item on the Poster page. Then just edit the header, date, change the image and click RW Publish. All done. All posts are shifted down and your most recent post appears at the top. Here is a really good bit. You can add absolutely anything you want in the blog post - just add whatever stacks you want to add in your post.

Forkin Fox new product
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Anatidae paleo gastropro authentic flexitarian fixie tote bag, scenester Chordate sweater irony locavore. Gentrify Aves Ayelsbury craft beer aesthetic Echo Park. Polaroid Marfa cray dreamcatcher, chambray ennui hella Godard mallards fap Terry Richardson XOXO. Sartorial vinyl passion, fap kogi Austin meh Terry Richardson art party hella. Master cleanse Eider trust fund, grummage craft beer biodiesel Wes Anderson.